Important Reminders for the New Year (or any new era)
Dec 28, 2023Storytime with Ruby
Idk about you, but I have no idea what day it is. Ain't that the way it always goes on the last week of the year? I take it as a sign that I'm right on track. 😉
I hope this note meets you in the nebulous, too.
As we dazedly round out 2023 and saunter head-first into a brand new calendar year still foggy from the eggnoggy, I'm in need of my personal annual reminders, so I'm here to remind us both.
"it" can also be whatever you want it to be, but for the purpose of this message, "it" means The New Year (TNY)
Reminder #1: It can be whatever you want it to be
There's something about TNY that feels like possibility. (and sometimes possibility can feel like pressure and I want to acknowledge that, too. bc if you aren't in a place to dream, wonder, and aim for the stars... that's ok. that's more than ok. not celebrating TNY can be the 'whatever you want it to be' part.)
Personally, I love the energy of a fresh start. Embarking on a new adventure is keep-me-up-at-night thrilling for me. While New Year, New Me mentality is overdone, overrated, and quite frankly boring, the ritual of acknowledging a new era can be refreshing in its own right, and my inner hype gal is all about it like 'Ah-ha! Yes! Let's do this! Hoorah!"
So for me, embracing the built-in mojo of TNY can be an excellent opportunity to reconcile with my own hopes and dreams. It reorients me to my Truth. It helps me to remember what I'm aiming for. That I can call the shots on (most things) in my life.
... Which also includes the autonomy to choose when and where a new era begins. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that whether you apply this reminder to TNY, the Spring Equinox, your birthday or just life, it applies. It can be whatever YOU want it to be.
Reminder #2: It can be better
When I finally mustered up the courage to step away from a long-term relationship mid-2020, this was my motivation and my mantra. It's what kept me accountable to doing what I knew was best, even though I loved that person. Even though my life was good. Even though my doubt said "What if this really is all there is and you won't find any better?"
But you know what? Better came along as soon as I believed in it enough to take the action toward it.
I met the LOVE OF MY FREAKING LIFE only 2 months later.
And now my life is SO MUCH BETTER.
Maybe it's not an overhaul of your life. Maybe it's driving a different route to work. Or actually letting yourself sleep in. Or finally confronting your disordered eating. Or fully leaning into therapy. Or wearing more of your favorite color.
Whatever has you thinking "Is this really it?," it can most likely be better.
So as you gather your goals and before you limit yourself again, please hear me reminding you: it CAN be better.
Reminder #3: It can be fun
Speaking of your favorite color. What is your fav shade? Mine's lavender.
What if a new era of success looks like lavender socks and drapes and candlesticks?
What if a productive year looks like finally learning French?
What if the "new me" of the "new year" is the me who goes to matinee movies on Tuesdays?
Since when does reinventing ourselves mean still miserably striving for the top of the bell curve?
What if TNY is a chance to have more fun! According to you.
So what's gonna spice up your 2024?
I say let's let our hair down and go wild!
With these reminders at the forefront, I hope your New Year brings you closer to yourself.
My favorite ritual for inner homing into the New Year is to choose an intention word. I've been doing this practice for the last 10 years. Every year I'm amazed by the way setting an intention guides my experience and keeps me tethered to my Truth.
Wanna join me in setting an intention word for 2024?
I'll be in zoom on 1/4/2024 from 5:30-7pm hosting my annual workshop, and I'd love to see you there! You can register here.
In the meantime, may you be at peace. May you be gentle with yourself. May you be happy. May you be free.
See you in TNY!
You're Doing Great,
PS comment with your word of the year!
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